“Great achievement is usually born by great sacrifice,
and is never the result of selfishness.”
Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill
Achievement. Achievement is built on meaningful intention, with devotion, persistent action
and plain old hard work. Achievement is built on the desire to make a
difference, and on the commitment to fulfill that desire no matter what.
Considering to new years moment, achievement is becoming one of my resolution
at this time.
some new achievements in this new year are becoming a very important thing for
me. As we know that there are so many ways to be accepted in the university.
One of the way is by passing the “JALUR UNDANGAN”. By this way, we only need to
submit our academic score result, UN result, and our achievement. According to
it, achievement will take an important role when our academic and UN result is
as good as the others competitor. That shows us how important the achievement
what achievement I wish to get in this new year?
as what is in our brain which is divided into two parts. There are left-side
brain and right-side brain. We will use our left-side brain when we are
thinking our exact knowledge, such as calculating, analyzing, etc. In the other
hand, we will use our right-side brain for a inovative and creativeness skill.
Right-side brain is mainly used in art. Based on it, we have two different
aspect in our brain that if we can use it maximumly, it will bring a very good
result for us. Just the same case as my wished achievement. I’m going to
maximize both my lef-side or right-side brain to get what thing I’d like to
achieve. So that, there will not only my exact knowledge achievement will
arise, but also the non-exact such as art, music, etc., will be gotten by me.
In the exact knowledge, I want to :
- Get the report score higher than last semester
- Make some useful things that can be used by another
- Win so many competition
- And another achievement that God will give to me. Amiin.
meanwhile in
the non-exact side, I want to :
- Master the instrument that I play
- Win so many festival
- And so on.
to get it?
I have to learn as deep as I can. Because, when we learn deeply about
something, we will be easily to get the achievement. Practice is also
important. When we get some new knowledges and we are not going to practice it,
that’s what we call ‘useless’. So, we have to practice it although only by a
small thing to do.
Despite of
learn deeply, I have be proactive student in order to get a lot of experiences
as my modal to get the achievement. That proactivity is also being applied in
the art. I joined some activities related to art, especially in music. In this
art world, I need to be a creative, inovative, and a high-passion person. Because I need to
create something newest, newest, and newest. If I am not, I will be marked as a
plagiat and that sounds terrible.
Lastly, all of
the things I am about to do should be based on the consistency. I have to
learn, practice, and proactive consistenly. Because consistency lead me to a
habit. And if, that is a good habit, it may bring a lot of good things for me.
Finally, My wished achievement could be achieved soon. Amin.