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Kamis, 10 April 2014

Bapak - Bapak Kimia

Father of Chemistry

Father of Early Chemistry
Father of Chemistry
Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber)Introduced the experimental method to alchemy, circa 815.
Father ofModern ChemistryAntoine LavoisierBook: Elements of Chemistry (1787)
Father of Modern ChemistryRobert BoyleBook: The Sceptical Chymist (1661)
Father of Modern ChemistryJöns Berzeliusdeveloped chemical nomenclature in the 1800s
Father of Modern ChemistryJohn Daltonrevived atomic theory
Father of Early Atomic TheoryDemocritusfounded atomism in cosmology
Father of Atomic Theory
Father of Modern Atomic Theory
John Daltonfirst to propose the atom as a building blockof matter
Father of Modern Atomic TheoryFather Roger Boscovichdescribed what came to be known as modern atomic theory, about a century before others formalized the theory
Father ofNuclear ChemistryOtto HahnBook: Applied Radiochemistry (1936)
first person to split the atom (1938)
Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering nuclear fission (1944)
Father of the Periodic TableDmitri Mendeleevarranged all the known elements in order of increasing atomic weight, according to periodic properties (1869)

FUK 1 ; Fakta Unik Kimia 1

  • Satu-satunya unsur yang berada pada fasa cair dalam suhu kamar ialah bromin dan merkuri.
  • Tidak seperti banyak zat, air mengembang saat membeku. Es batu memakan sekitar 9% volume lebih dari air
  • Sambaran petir menghasilkan O3, yaitu ozon, dan memperkuat lapisan ozon atmosfer.
  • Hanya ada dua logam yang berwarna non-keperakan .Yaitu, emas dan tembaga.
  • Meskipun gas oksigen tidak berwarna, bentuk cair dan padat oksigen berwarna biru.
  • Tubuh manusia mengandung karbon yang cukup untuk membuat grafit untuk sekitar 9.000 pensil.
  • Hidrogen adalah unsur paling melimpah di alam semesta, sedangkan oksigen adalah unsur yang paling melimpah di atmosfer bumi, kerak, dan lautan (sekitar 49,5%).
  • Unsur Paling langka secara alamiah dalam kerak bumi mungkin astatin. Seluruh Kerak bumihanya mengandung sekitar 28 g unsur.
  • HF sangat korosif sehingga akan larut kaca. Meskipun bersifat korosif, asam fluorida yang dianggap sebagai ‘asam lemah’.
  • Satu ember penuh air mengandung atom lebih dari  ember yang berisi air di lautan Atlantik.
  • Sekitar 20% dari oksigen di atmosfer dihasilkan oleh hutan hujan Amazon.
  • Balon helium mengapung karena helium lebih ringan dari udara.
  • Sengatan lebah bersifat asam sedangkan sengatan tawon bersifat alkali(basa).
  • Paprika pedas  mendapatkan panas mereka dari molekul yang disebut capsaicin. Sementara molekul tersebut bertindak sebagai iritan terhadap mamalia, termasuk manusia. burung tak memiliki reseptor efek capsaicin dan kebal terhadap sensasi pedas.
  • Es kering adalah bentuk padat dari karbon dioksida, CO2.
  • Udara cair memiliki warna kebiru-biruan, mirip dengan air.

Friedrich August Kekule dan Struktur Benzena

Setiap kali membuka buku Kimia Organik dan melihat struktur benzena tentu akan mengingatkan kita pada sosok ilmuwan yang terkemuka dalam sejarah ilmu kimia. Ilmuwan itu bernama Kekule yang memiliki nama lengkap Friedrich August Kekule. Dilahirkan di Darmstadt, Hesse, Jerman pada 7 September 1829 silam, Kekule dimasa kecilnya dikenal sebagai seorang yang ramah, cerdas dan mempunyai bakat menggambar sekaligus menguasai tiga bahasa, yaitu Perancis, Italia dan Inggris.
Ketika kuliah di Universitas Geissen, sebuah keputusan besar telah merubah alur kehidupannya. Ia memilih untuk pindah disiplin ilmu dari Arsitektur ke Ilmu kimia, walaupun harus ditentang oleh keluarganya yang mengangap tidak ada masa depan dalam ilmu kimia. Tetapi semangat Kekule tidak luntur karena Kekule mengangap tidak ada bedanya antara arsitektur dan kimia sebab kimia juga merupakan arsitektur molekul. Keberaniannya mengambil keputusan ini tidak terlepas dari pengaruh yang diberikan oleh Justus Von Liebig (kimiawan terkemuka diwaktu itu) yang menciptakan imajinasi yang menarik tentang ilmu kimia.
Ditahun 1851 Kekule lulus kuliah dan melanjutkan studinya ke Parisuntuk mendapatkan gelar Doktor. Dan ditahun 1856 Kekule kembali ke Jerman dan di angkat sebagai guru besar kimia di Universitas Heidelberg. Sewaktu itu Kekule tertarik pada teori valensi yang dikembangkan oleh Frankland yakni setiap atom mempunyai kemampuan untuk bergabung dengan atom lain. Teori valensi ini membantu para ahli kimia untuk menentukan molekul senyawa kimia, tetapi tidak semua dapat di tentukan dengan pendekatan teori ini, karena molekul senyawa kimia bukan sekedar sekumpulan atom unsur tetapi juga merupakan sekumpulan atom yang mempunyai susunan tertentu. Dari hal itu, Kekule mengemukakan gagasannya mengenai struktur molekul, dimana kumpulan atom mempunyai susunan tertentu untuk membentuk suatu senyawa kimia. Struktur ini kemudian lebih dikenal sebagai struktur Kekule.
Mimpi dan Struktur Benzena
Salah satu masalah dalam rumus kimia yang sulit terpecahkan dilebih dari 100 tahun adalah struktur benzena. Tidak ada yang dapat menggambarkan bagaimana enam atom karbon dan enam atom hidrogen membentuk struktur benzena serta dalam bentuk apa sebaiknya rumus itu ditampilkan. Kemudian Kekule (setelah menemukan struktur kekule) berusaha untuk memecahkan misteri tersebut.
Ada beberapa versi cerita yang menceritakan proses penemuan benzena. Salah satu versi yang diyakini kebenarannya adalah bahwa pada suatu malam di tahun 1865 Kekule tertidur di dekat perapian. Kekule melihat ular bergerak menari-nari. Tiba-tiba bagian ekor dari ular itu bersambungan dengan kepalanya, maka terjadilah gelang rantai yang terus berputar-putar. Mimpi inilah yang menghantarkan Kekule pada penemuan struktur Benzena.
Perihal mimpi ini sempat Ia ceritakan kepada ahli kimia yang lain. Tetapi mereka menganggap bahwa mimpi tersebut hanyalah bunga tidur yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan ilmu kimia. Tetapi Kekule tetap berpendapat bahwa ini bukanlah mimpi yang biasa saja, karena mimpi tersebut selalu teringat dalam benaknya. Akhirnya Kekule berusaha menghubungkan antara mimpinya dengan struktur benzena yang masih misterius tersebut.
Misteri tersebut terpecahkan setelah Kekule mengeluarkan hipotesisnya yang menggambarkan bahwa struktur benzena berupa enam atom karbon yang terdapat di sudut-sudut heksagon beraturan dengan satu atom hidrogen melekat pada setiap atom karbon, seperti penggambaran pada mimpi Kekule. Agar setiap atom karbon mempunyai valensi empat Ia menyarankan ikatan tunggal dan ganda dua berselang di sekeliling cincin, yang sekarang lebih dikenal sebagai sistem konjugasi ikatan ganda dua. Kekule menyarankan ikatan tunggal dan ganda dua bertukar posisi di sekeliling dengan cepat sehingga reaksi-reaksi khusus pada alkena tidak dapat terjadi. Akhir Kehidupan
Sisa hidup Kekule dihabiskan di Universitas Bonn sebagai guru besar kimia. Ditahun 1895 Maharaja Wilhelm II menambahkan Von Stradonitz kepada namanya. Setahun kemudian Kekule akhirnya meninggal dunia tetapi hasil karya besarnya sampai sekarang menjadi kontribusi utama pada kemajuan ilmu kimia terutama penentuan struktur benzena serta tentang tetravalensi karbon/struktur atom Kekule yang kemudian hari diperluas ke bentuk tiga dimensi oleh Jacobus Henricus van’t Hoff. Selanjutnya struktur itu diteruskan ke bentuk teori elektron oleh Joseph Achille Le Bel dan G. N Lewis, serta ke bentuk mekanika kuantum oleh Linus Carl Pauling.
Suatu waktu Kekule pernah berujar ‘Mari kita belajar ke mimpi .. barangkali akan kita temukan kebenaran (itu). Tetapi mari kita waspada menerbitkan mimpi hingga mereka telah teruji oleh bangun pemahaman. Itulah kata mutiara yang pernah dilontarkan oleh salah satu Kimiawan besar abad-19 ini. Penemuan yang harus diakui tidak terlepas karena adanya factor lucky, tetapi setidaknya hal ini mengajarkan bahwa ditengah perjuangan berat yang menguras waktu, pikiran dan tenaga serta mungkin keringat darah dalam melaksanakan penelitian, siapa tahu Tuhan berbaik hati kepada kita dengan memberikan semacam ‘hadiah’ atas jerih payah kita itu.
Mengutip ucapan Sir Harold Walter Kroto, peraih nobel Kimia 1985 untuk penemuan molekul C-60, "Teruslah mencari, karena sesuatu yang tak terduga bisa muncul disaat kita berhenti berharap". Tetapi haruslah diingat bahwa Penemuan karena factor lucky/kebetulan kadang-kadang berkat suatu nasib mujur, karena seperti yang diamati oleh Louis Pasteur, bahwa "dalam sains, kebetulan biasanya memilih pikiran yang telah dipersiapkan”. Dan seorang Kekule telah membangun (mempersiapkan) suatu pemahaman yang ilmiah walaupun bersumber dari sesuatu yang dianggap sama sekali bukan metode ilmiah.
Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Greater Achievement in 2013

                Achievement. Achievement is built on meaningful intention, with devotion, persistent action and plain old hard work. Achievement is built on the desire to make a difference, and on the commitment to fulfill that desire no matter what. Considering to new years moment, achievement is becoming one of my resolution at this time.

              Getting some new achievements in this new year are becoming a very important thing for me. As we know that there are so many ways to be accepted in the university. One of the way is by passing the “JALUR UNDANGAN”. By this way, we only need to submit our academic score result, UN result, and our achievement. According to it, achievement will take an important role when our academic and UN result is as good as the others competitor. That shows us how important the achievement is.
                So, what achievement I wish to get in this new year?
                Well, as what is in our brain which is divided into two parts. There are left-side brain and right-side brain. We will use our left-side brain when we are thinking our exact knowledge, such as calculating, analyzing, etc. In the other hand, we will use our right-side brain for a inovative and creativeness skill. Right-side brain is mainly used in art. Based on it, we have two different aspect in our brain that if we can use it maximumly, it will bring a very good result for us. Just the same case as my wished achievement. I’m going to maximize both my lef-side or right-side brain to get what thing I’d like to achieve. So that, there will not only my exact knowledge achievement will arise, but also the non-exact such as art, music, etc., will be gotten by me. In the exact knowledge, I want to :
  • Get the report score higher than last semester
  • Make some useful things that can be used by another
  • Win so many competition
  •  And another achievement that God will give to me. Amiin.
meanwhile in the non-exact side, I want to :
  • Master the instrument that I play
  • Win so many festival
  •  And so on.

 How to get it?
                Firstly, I have to learn as deep as I can. Because, when we learn deeply about something, we will be easily to get the achievement. Practice is also important. When we get some new knowledges and we are not going to practice it, that’s what we call ‘useless’. So, we have to practice it although only by a small thing to do.
Despite of learn deeply, I have be proactive student in order to get a lot of experiences as my modal to get the achievement. That proactivity is also being applied in the art. I joined some activities related to art, especially in music. In this art world, I need to be a creative, inovative, and  a high-passion person. Because I need to create something newest, newest, and newest. If I am not, I will be marked as a plagiat and that sounds terrible.
Lastly, all of the things I am about to do should be based on the consistency. I have to learn, practice, and proactive consistenly. Because consistency lead me to a habit. And if, that is a good habit, it may bring a lot of good things for me. Finally, My wished achievement could be achieved soon. Amin.
Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

New Years Resolution 1 : A Better Attitude

Happy New Years all. Thanks for God who still give us a great-auspicious life as now.
I am sure that all of us will have a great hope when we are facing a new year. As the old adage said, “Today must be better than yesterday”. Based on that old adage, we have to set our nowadays life as good as possible. In setting your hope, you have to consider what is your goal first. This is how the 2nd habits of highly effective teens, Begin with the End In Mind, used for. After considering, you have to give your maximum effort to reach your goal. If you want to get the best, just do the best you can do. Those are the things to make your hope is coming true through a new year hope.
Surely, in this new year celebration, I have something to be changed and somethings to be kept. Those what we call a resolution. I have something to be change because I have thought that the things are not suitable for me to be used in this new year and vice versa. In this new year moment, I would like to change my bad attitude I made along the past year. In the past, I had became a naughty student and a naysayer whether to my friends or my teachers. I had ever make one of my teachers angry with me because of something I did. Considering to it, I really want to set some new good attitude as one of my resolution in this new years moment.
Then what will I do to realize my resolution?
I have some ways for it. Firstly, I have been given a 7 habits book by my school when there is a 7 Habits Workshop in my school. If I want to change my attitude in the past, I must read this book. Because, this book contains so many things related to a good attitude for teens. I am sure, If I read that book, I will get a lot of knowledge for being a better student. For the second, when I have read and understood the knowledge from that book, I will start to practice it. Yeah, for the first trial, I will try to do it for about a week. After a week, I will notice the progress.
As we know, everything has a possibility. The possibility of success on 7 days of trial are as high as the possibility of fail. If I reach my success of practicing, I will continue following my literature and also, I will try to ask for suggestion from another people to evaluate my new attitude. If It is not working or failed, I will try to find another way until my resolution can be reached. However, I always think that if you do something maximumly, God will always help you maximumly. If you are not, God will not help you maximumly too.
Senin, 03 Desember 2012

I Am A Billionaire, I Will Use My Money For ....

How exciting indeed to be a millionaire in the age of scarcity and hardship. It is practically an impossible thing for a poor man to be a millionaire particularly in this age when money begets money and poverty begets poverty. Yet if I can enjoy the pleasure of becoming a millionaire by the grace of God or the dint of an unexpected lottery, I will find sufficient difficulty in making the best use of my money.
A million of rupiahs are a big amount. They can fetch me a number of bungalows, cars and other comforts of life. If I buy all of them with my money, it will be quite easy to disburse the whole amount but I am not so selfish a man. I do have some good objectives in life. I am not used to personal comforts for pleasure’s sake. I want to live so that I can do good to others. With this attitude in life, I do not propose to squander away the money in buying personal comforts, instead I propose to invest the money in the national cause.
I am so sad to see the countrymen seething in poverty. Most of the poor people are not able to afford education for their children as education is very expensive. Also the poor people suffer from a number of diseases and many of them die away without proper treatment as there are no proper arrangements for medical aid nearabout. Therefore, I propose to set up a few schools in my District for the poor villagers and poor workers who cannot afford to send their children to costly schools.
I will also like to set up a few industries, whether it is in a large scale or small scale, to provide employment to a number of poor neighbours. This will enable them to earn their living by doing useful work for the country. Setting up of industries requires a good sum of money but the results are always good.
Besides providing education aud employment to the people in my District, I will devote some money for the setting up of a few hospitals and clinies. Whenever there is a shortage or excess of rains in our area, a number of diseases spread. Malaria and typhoid are some of the diseases which frequently take place in my district and cause many deaths. There are only a few doctors in the whole District who charge exhorbitanty from the poor people. I will set up a few hospitals in the area where the poor people can have free treatment for all their diseases and illnesses.
I will also collaborate with the Government certain fields where my money can help to the country for its national projects. I have no desire to take to politics as a career and will not misuse the money for such an ignoble mission. I have a feeling that politics is a dirty game and most of the politicians in the country indulge in undesirable practices to make money or to achieve fame and position. I am far from ii and want to keep myself free from such a dirty game.
Lastly, I must allocate a some of my rupiahs for the setting up of sports organisations and clubs. I have great attachment to Footbal. It is a game of international importance. I would like to set up a National Stadium where National and International matches in this game would be held.
If after doing all the above things I am stili left with some money. That money will be contributed to the National Defence Fund. Our country needs to improve its defence system to face successfully any attacks. We must manufacture our own weapons to defend ourselves and not depend on foreign countries in such an important matter.