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Kamis, 10 April 2014

Bapak - Bapak Kimia

Father of Chemistry

Father of Early Chemistry
Father of Chemistry
Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber)Introduced the experimental method to alchemy, circa 815.
Father ofModern ChemistryAntoine LavoisierBook: Elements of Chemistry (1787)
Father of Modern ChemistryRobert BoyleBook: The Sceptical Chymist (1661)
Father of Modern ChemistryJöns Berzeliusdeveloped chemical nomenclature in the 1800s
Father of Modern ChemistryJohn Daltonrevived atomic theory
Father of Early Atomic TheoryDemocritusfounded atomism in cosmology
Father of Atomic Theory
Father of Modern Atomic Theory
John Daltonfirst to propose the atom as a building blockof matter
Father of Modern Atomic TheoryFather Roger Boscovichdescribed what came to be known as modern atomic theory, about a century before others formalized the theory
Father ofNuclear ChemistryOtto HahnBook: Applied Radiochemistry (1936)
first person to split the atom (1938)
Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering nuclear fission (1944)
Father of the Periodic TableDmitri Mendeleevarranged all the known elements in order of increasing atomic weight, according to periodic properties (1869)

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